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2011.07.24 07:51
누가 안데르스 베링 브레이빅을 혐의자라고 했는가?
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http://www.christianpost.com/news/norway-bombings-attacks-who-is-arrested-suspect-anders-behring-breivik-52749/the CPNorway Bombing, Attacks: Who Is Arrested Suspect Anders Behring Breivik?
By Daniel Blake | Christian Post Contributor
Text 58Share RSS Print E-mailAnders Behring Breivik is a 32-year-old Norwegian man who has been arrested by police following the bombing in Oslo and horrific shootings at a youth camp on an island near Oslo. Official reports confirmed that 92 people have died, with the shootings killing 85 people alone - although the number is expected to rise in due course.
It is believed that the bombing in Oslo was targeting the office of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. He was not harmed in the attacks, although seven others died in the bombing and more than 15 seriously injured.
Hours after that first attack, Breivik, dressed as a police officer entered a youth camp on Utoya Island. He allegedly told camp leaders that he was there on a routine check as a security precaution following the Oslo bombings earlier in the day. However, once given access to the camp he started mercilessly killing everyone in sight.
Acting Chief of Police, Sveinung Sponheim has said that Breivik was seen in Oslo prior to the explosions there.
Police reported: “The police have every reason to believe there is a connection between the explosions and what happened at Utoya.”
Breivik has links to two properties; one of which had been registered as a farm-related business called “GeoFarm”. This, authorities have said, allowed him to order massive quantities of ammonium nitrate fertilizer; which can be used to make explosives. It has been reported that in just May he ordered six tons of the chemical. Investigators have not been able to confirm yet whether the fertilizer was used in the Oslo bomb.
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The suspected killer was originally raised in Oslo and unconfirmed reports have said that he attended the same school as Norway's crown prince, Smestad Primary School.
He chose to be baptized into the Protestant Church at the age of 15, but over recent years has grown weary of the state of the modern Church. In one blog posted in 2009 he wrote: “Today's Protestant church is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like minimalist shopping centres. I am a supporter of an indirect collective conversion of the Protestant church back to the Catholic.”
Neighbors have reported that they often saw him in “military style clothing”, and some have commented on his love for violent video games.
Breivik wanted to be an entrepreneur and had tried to start a number of new companies. However, he was not successful; and each company was quickly dissolved soon after being established.
In2009 he created his latest business – the farm business that allowed him to purchase huge amounts of fertilizer. He has posted on one blog that this business had the purpose to help support his political activities.
- Norway Bombings: Police Capture 'Right-Wing Christian Fundamentalist'
- Norway Bombings, Shooting: 'Fundamentalist Christian' Killer Reveals Hatred of Modern Church
By Daniel Blake | Christian Post Contributor
Text 58Share RSS Print E-mailAnders Behring Breivik is a 32-year-old Norwegian man who has been arrested by police following the bombing in Oslo and horrific shootings at a youth camp on an island near Oslo. Official reports confirmed that 92 people have died, with the shootings killing 85 people alone - although the number is expected to rise in due course.
It is believed that the bombing in Oslo was targeting the office of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. He was not harmed in the attacks, although seven others died in the bombing and more than 15 seriously injured.
Hours after that first attack, Breivik, dressed as a police officer entered a youth camp on Utoya Island. He allegedly told camp leaders that he was there on a routine check as a security precaution following the Oslo bombings earlier in the day. However, once given access to the camp he started mercilessly killing everyone in sight.
Acting Chief of Police, Sveinung Sponheim has said that Breivik was seen in Oslo prior to the explosions there.
Police reported: “The police have every reason to believe there is a connection between the explosions and what happened at Utoya.”
Breivik has links to two properties; one of which had been registered as a farm-related business called “GeoFarm”. This, authorities have said, allowed him to order massive quantities of ammonium nitrate fertilizer; which can be used to make explosives. It has been reported that in just May he ordered six tons of the chemical. Investigators have not been able to confirm yet whether the fertilizer was used in the Oslo bomb.
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The suspected killer was originally raised in Oslo and unconfirmed reports have said that he attended the same school as Norway's crown prince, Smestad Primary School.
He chose to be baptized into the Protestant Church at the age of 15, but over recent years has grown weary of the state of the modern Church. In one blog posted in 2009 he wrote: “Today's Protestant church is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like minimalist shopping centres. I am a supporter of an indirect collective conversion of the Protestant church back to the Catholic.”
Neighbors have reported that they often saw him in “military style clothing”, and some have commented on his love for violent video games.
Breivik wanted to be an entrepreneur and had tried to start a number of new companies. However, he was not successful; and each company was quickly dissolved soon after being established.
In2009 he created his latest business – the farm business that allowed him to purchase huge amounts of fertilizer. He has posted on one blog that this business had the purpose to help support his political activities.
- Norway Bombings: Police Capture 'Right-Wing Christian Fundamentalist'
- Norway Bombings, Shooting: 'Fundamentalist Christian' Killer Reveals Hatred of Modern Church
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